
November 09, 2020

SSL member Klaudia Krawiecka wins awards at Data Science for All

SSL’s own Klaudia Krawiecka, along with fellow Department of Computer Science and OxWoCS member Alina Petrova, are part of a team which has won two awards at the Data Science for All’s Women’s Summit, held virtually in October. In order to participate, Klaudia and Alina had to become Data Science Fellows by passing an interview and a machine learning test.

Winning both ‘Best Real-World Impact’ and ‘Best Overall Project’ for their work on ‘The Effects of Containment Measures on Covid-19,’ organisers Correlation One reported of the team that

their comprehensive analysis sought to understand the measures that have been most effective in decreasing the number of COVID-19 cases, and to predict possible outcomes for specific mitigation strategies.

The team developed predictive models for 8 different containment policies and 5 health system policies, across a variety of country-level demographics. Their research convincingly argued that travel bans, school closures, and public event cancellations were most effective in limiting COVID spread, whereas socio-economic factors and demographics played a secondary role.